Hi, I’m Madison!


Are you a woman who…


If you have a lot of irons in the fire, I see you. If you’re struggling to find the time to invest in your health, I can help you find a routine that is sustainable for you and doesn’t add any extra stress to your already full plate.


If you’re struggling to navigate postpartum, I’m here to help. When you’re taking care of a newborn, it can be hard to find the time to take care of yourself too. I can be your ultimate support system during this time.

I’m here to support you.

I’m a nutritional therapy practitioner based in Houston, Texas with a passion for helping women restore their health in a way that is sustainable for their lifestyle.

No matter what stage of life you are in, there are challenges that come with each journey. Whether you’re a busy college student, an entrepreneur, a woman struggling to conceive her first child, a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or a mom who works from home – I see you and I’ve been there.

I understand that, as women, we don't always put ourselves first. It can be hard to balance your health with everything else on your to-do-list, but you don’t have to do this alone. My goal is to come alongside you as you embark on this journey. I will help you find ways to invest in your health that are sustainable for you and don’t interrupt your day-to-day life.

Ready to get started?

Get my Postpartum Survival Guide.

This guide has everything you need to get started on your journey towards health after having a baby. Fill out the for below to snag yours today!

My health journey began…

In high school when I had horrible stomach pains, couldn’t tolerate most foods, and was severely malnourished. I visited multiple doctors who all said I appeared healthy, and they didn’t see anything that could be wrong, but I knew I could not keep feeling this way so I began doing my own research.

  • I spent my college years studying nutrition on my own and using myself as a guinea pig, figuring out how to heal my gut and get my health back. During this time, I was told I would most likely never have kids, which absolutely devastated me. This fueled me to continue my research so I could heal my body.

    Because of this, I was able to restore my health, and, luckily, was able to conceive my son naturally.

  • However, when postpartum hit, I was not prepared to have to relearn my body, and figure out how to heal and nourish it all over again. During this time my son was going through some medical challenges of his own, so I began to dive even more into nutrition to ensure I had the best nutrients for our family.

    When my son turned one, I took a leap of faith and went to the Nutritional Therapy Association to formally study nutrition so I could help women who are struggling with the same issues I have struggled with.

Are you a busy-bee?

I’ve compiled all my best tips & tricks for busy women looking to invest in their health in this free guide. Just fill out the form below and I’ll send it straight to your inbox — easy peasy!

Choose the package that’s right for you…

Three Month Package

  • An initial 60-minute phone call to go over health history, concerns, goals. This will include going over an initial questionnaire and a nutritional assessment questionnaire. This will also include 2 follow up calls per month, unlimited email and text support, a customized protocol including diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, and accountability partner.

    DISCLAIMER: A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is trained to evaluate your nutritional needs and make recommendations of dietary and nutritional supplements, not medical diagnoses, or prescriptions. No comment or recommendation from your NTP should be construed as a medical diagnosis or prescription or should be used in place of recommendations from your medical provider.

  • $750 paid in full for the three month period.

Six Month Package

  • An initial 60-minute phone call to go over health history, concerns, goals. This will include going over an initial questionnaire and a nutritional assessment questionnaire. This will also include 2 follow up calls per month, unlimited email and text support, a customized protocol including diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, and accountability partner.

    DISCLAIMER: A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is trained to evaluate your nutritional needs and make recommendations of dietary and nutritional supplements, not medical diagnoses, or prescriptions. No comment or recommendation from your NTP should be construed as a medical diagnosis or prescription or should be used in place of recommendations from your medical provider.

  • $1,350 (10% OFF) paid in full for the six month period.